Access (District Alternate Program 9-12)
Junior Access Teacher (Grades 9 & 10): Kevin Epp ([email protected])
Senior Access Teacher (Grades 11 & 12): Sue Gunning ([email protected])
These programs are for academically and intellectually capable, at-risk students who have experienced difficulty in regular school programs because of their behaviour choices. ConnectEd Access programs are administratively part of ConnectEd, but operate independently in separate buildings. The programs run in partnership with many outside agencies including OneSky Community Resources, the Ministry of Children and Family Development, Child and Youth Mental Health, as well as Foundry Penticton.
The ConnectEd Access program endeavours to meet the needs of at-risk students in the community. Our students may be struggling with a variety of issues including; low self-esteem, anger management problems, substance misuse, unstable home circumstances, involvement in criminal activity, histories of neglect and physical, emotional or sexual abuse, and mental health issues. Our goal is to provide a safe, structured, interesting and supportive environment for these students to participate in constructive social / creative activities and positive peer and adult interactions while completing their academic work.
Address: 274 Eckhardt Avenue E, Penticton, BC V2A 1Z2
Tel: 250 770-7718 ext. 6255 (Kevin Epp) ext. 6410 (Sue Gunning)