Online Learning
Grades 10-12 Vice Principal: Sondra McGuire ([email protected])
Students in Grades 10 to 12 have the option of doing a blended learning program with their home school. With blended learning, a student can take some of their courses through one of the district schools and some with ConnectEd. ConnectEd teachers have scheduled office hours at 324 Eckhardt Avenue. This building also serves as a space available for students to work at any time. We suggest that if there is a particular teacher that a student wants to see, that the student schedules an appointment with that teacher in advance.
The majority of our courses are offered online through Moodle. Students work through the courses at their own pace under the guidance of our subject area teachers. Students are expected to hand in assignments on a regular basis and they are required to write their tests at ConnectEd, or in a teacher supervised learning environment.
To register:
Students attending an SD67 high school wanting to take a blended program should meet with their school counsellor to register for Online courses.
Click here for courses offered.