Home Learners Program K-9
Home Learners Program (HLP) Teacher for the 2023/2024 school year:
Caroline Goodjohn
250-770-7718 ext. 6041
2023/24 School Year - please contact your school principal to discuss this program.
The Home Learners Program is a teacher-led distributed learning program that provides options for families who prefer to have their students educated in the home, or who require time-tabling flexibility.
Q: What is the Home Learners Program
- The Home Learners Program is a parent-directed, teacher-supported program for families who prefer to have their students educated at home.
- The Home Learners Program is a fulltime academic program for Kindergarten to Grade 9.
Q: What is everyone's role in the Home Learners Program?
- Teacher: Provides curriculum, supports the student and family, collects evidence of learning, reports on student progress.
- Parents (or other responsible adult): Must be highly involved in the daily learning activities of the student.
- Student: Should expect to be working at least 3 hours per day (on average).
Q: What does the Home Learners Program involve?
K- 3 – Print-based with some online activities Parents will receive a combination of print and online learning resources chosen by the HLP teacher designed to deliver the complete grade level curriculum. Course work is largely book and resource based. Online resources are supplementary to the curriculum, using;
- IXL to review and practice math concepts
- Raz-Kids to provide appropriate reading-level materials
- Wednesday Club Classes
- Teacher Office Hours for tutorial (Every Thursday 930am - 1030am)
Grade 4 – 9 – Online Learning
Courses are delivered using Moodle as the online delivery platform for courses. All lessons, resources and assignments are online. Printed learning guides are provided to be completed and uploaded to the online course in Moodle. Quizzes and test are also completed online. Other online resources are used to the support curriculum:
- IXL to review and practice math concepts
- Wednesday Club Classes
- Teacher Office Hours for tutorial (Every Thursday 930am -1030am)
- Youtube (videos within Moodle course)
- MyBlueprint
Q: What does it take to be a successful Home Learning family?
To be successful - Younger Home Learners
- Create a routine
- Parents works alongside child
- Parent sets up a schedule of independent activities
- Lots of reading together during school hours and on evenings and weekends
- Reach out to teachers for support with course
- Regularly submits evidence of learning
To be successful - Older Home Learners
- Create a routine
- Parent sets up a schedule of tasks to be completed during a day.
- Parent checks in on progress at the end of the day
- Parents works alongside child to learn of new concepts
- Parent helps student know what to do next on Moodle Course (Online Course Platform)
- Reach out to teachers for support with course or technology
- Lots of reading together during school hours and on evenings and weekends
- Regularly submits work in Moodle Course
- resources, support, and instructional assistance needed to plan and deliver a quality educational program reflective of individual needs, values and philosophies
- ongoing communication between families and our staff, using a variety of modes
- teacher-led assessment and evaluation, linked directly to provincial learning outcomes
- options in methods of course delivery, such as paper-based or online, determined after consultation with teachers
- unique opportunities for students to work with peers on an ongoing basis through a variety of activities
- weekly tutorial sessions; math & English specialists available to support students
- we offer one-on-one support for students to meet with teachers for help on specific course topics, and to create individualized learning plans
- parent library consisting of a variety of materials that parents and staff have identified as being important supplements to student learning, including books (leveled readers, novels, non-fiction and others), educational kits, CDs, math manipulatives, games, and science material
- web-based software for mathematics and reading/language arts. A feature of this program is the management system that allows customizing and tracking of student progress
- A limited number of laptops are available for loan to complete school work from home
The school district provides students with copies of approved learning resources (textbooks, applicable workbooks and online materials where appropriate). The use of a computer and internet services are available if needed.
Address: 324 Eckhardt Avenue E, Penticton, BC V2A 1Z2
Telephone: 250-770-7718