Third Party Services Policy
Reimbursements to third party service providers (Available to full-time students only)
If a third party is used to provide educational services or learning support, materials, or resources to learners, the following criteria will be met:
- The educational services, materials, and resources will be part of the educational program supervised by a teacher employed by SD#67 who is certified by the Teacher Regulation Branch
- Pay only the third party directly and not the parent, learner or any other person
- Ensure that parents and third party service providers clearly understand their roles and responsibilities for student safety and security
- ConnectEd will provide the program outlined in a student's learning plan or Individual Education Plan separately from additional services the student may receive from the service provider
If a third party is used to provide educational services or learning support, materials, or resources to learners, the board must do the following:
- Pay up to a maximum of $500 per FTE in grades K-12 for reimbursements to third party resources and service providers.
- NOTE: the amount of the operating grant to be used for third party resourcing would not apply to:
- Supporting students with special needs in levels 1, 2 and 3; and categories K,P,Q,R, in achieving the goals in their Individual Education Plans
- Career technical centre program courses
- Post-secondary transition program courses
- A portion of the family's Internet connection costs if required to participate in a DL program or course. Connection means cost of the household connection to the internet. It does not include ongoing maintenance.